Friday 7 December 2012

Graphics Programming - Coursework Scene

It has been a couple weeks since i last posted about my graphics programming work but since then i have been working on my coursework scene. Now that it is all handed in i can show you some of the things that i done for it.

Our coursework was to create a 3D scene using OpenGL, our scene had to be read in from a JSON file and include multiple pieces of geometry.

The idea for my scene came from a few different inspirations. The first inspiration was from bonfire night and thinking that it would be pretty fun to try and make fireworks, the other came from an optical illusion that i came across while being distracted by the internet. You can see what that illusion was here.

To try and recreate the illusion i had to get multiple post process effects working which could be switched between after a set time or either by the user. In addition to the negative effect and grey scale effect that i needed for the illusion i also added a sepia and night time effect.

The scene with the park bench also includes a skybox which makes use of cube maps and dynamic lighting to illuminate the bench.

The firework scene has terrain which is generated from a heigtmap and some Ikea furniture which looks a little out of place in the middle of a mountain...

Images of the scenes are shown below with each of the post process effects applied.

Here is a video of my scene in action. If you stare at the centre of the screen until the negative effect changes it should briefly appear in colour even though it is a grey scaled image. 

Thanks for reading! Any questions or feedback i would love to hear from you. If anyone would like a runnable version of the scene feel free to send me an email and i will happily send you a copy. 

Email: - Please put blog in the subject.
Xbox Gamertag: craigmcmillan01
steam: craigmcmillan01
add or follow and we can game!

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